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The Truth About Outdoor Cushion Care

Cleaning your patio cushions play a large role in bacterial transfer.

Written by: The Foam Factory

outdoor-patio-chair-cushionsWhen it comes to the cleanliness of your patio seat cushions, you’re not just looking out for your own personal hygiene, but it’s also important to recognize that they can play a huge role in the transfer of bacteria and illnesses if not carefully cleansed. Now, you may just want to simply toss some water and soap on your cushions and let it air dry, but you have to understand that there are other factors that come into play when it comes to cleaning your cushions. Here are some tips that will help you get started.

Harsh Weather Patterns Have a Significant Effect

Outdoor cushions are exposed to the harsh conditions that can essentially come out of nowhere. Hard rain, humid weather, harsh heat, you name it, your cushions are going through. If you plan n keeping your patio cushion seats in the best condition, consider storing them after use. It may be arduous and a nuance, but it’ll help prolong the overall life of your cushions. And, would you rather be spending possibly hundreds of dollars to replace your cushions after just buying new ones? Yeah, not too likely.

When it comes to cleaning foam cushion seats however, you have to understand what type of foam that you have. Most of the time, the cushions that come within the seats will have a tag on how you should go about to wash it. Be sure to follow these instructions carefully or else you risk turning your foam interior into confetti.