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Moving to a new city is an adventure, but it comes with the very hefty part of looking for the perfect new home in an unknown place. Looking for a house from a long distance demands that one be able to prepare and conduct prior research and even apply workable…

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Written by Tenant Screening Services, LLC All landlords want a responsible tenant who will pay the rent on time and take good care of their property. Therefore, many landlords have been checking the credit reports of potential tenants with at least one credit report agency. A background check online will…

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Although you may want to sell your home, your car or any other item using an auction, you should note that auctions can be an emotional affair.  This is mainly because when you auction an item, it is usually something that you have fallen in love with and it may…

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Written by Tenant Screening Services, LLC We currently live in a world that information is required instantly at a push of a button. Therefore, many homeowners undertaking tenant background screenings would require their tenants to be checked within 24 hours. Many companies offer instant background checks online within a day,…

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Article written by Librarily If you’re about to apply for an apartment, you should be aware of how things may have changed since the last time you decided to search for a different place to live. One popular practice that has become a standard is for landlords to background check…

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In real estate, it’s all about location. The same goes for your Web real estate. If you’re at the top of the search engine results pages, then you’re sitting on a prime piece of property that can get the money rolling in. If not, then your expenses will likely eat…

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Written by Tenant Screening Services, LLC Conducting criminal background checks is beneficial for employers, people giving their properties on rent and for the general public. Pre employment checks prevents the risk of negligent hiring lawsuits, reduces employee theft and creates a safer workplace. Tenant background screening help the landlord to…

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Written by: Tenant Screening Services, LLC If you’re buying a rental property, especially if it’s your first time, there are a few things you should know about before you move in. There are a great deal of risks, but you can manage your property stringently and get around most of…

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Written by: Tenant Screening Services, LLC Many job applicants are concerned that pre employment checks, or background checks, are an invasion of their privacy. So, what exactly do these background checks entail? This article will provide a rough outline of what you can expect once an employee pulls your file….

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Effective tenant screening is a landlord’s duty to both the law and to his or her tenants residing in the property. It’s makes complete sense why a tenant credit check and background check should be performed on incoming tenants. Verifying an applicant’s identity as well as understanding their financial situation…

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