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Know Your Zoning

In determining the value of any property, it’s obvious that the location of the property matters. However, in addition to that, there is another factor that is in the form of zoning laws and ordinances that define and restrict how you can use your property.

This is done in order to ensure that the land, no matter how big or small, is used for the collective good, and thus these developmental standards are set, so it important that if you are working with a builder, or intend to become a land developer or an investor yourself.
Some of the classifications for land use in general are:

1. Residential
2. Mixed residential
3. Mobile home
4. Commercial
5. Shopping center industrial
6. Office
7. Conservation

As most folks have a particular reason for buying a property which could involve building property that could any one of these classifications, it is important to first check with the zoning laws to see if they match your purpose for that property, by gaining access to a zoning map or zoning planning documents that is made available at your nearest county office or the local town. In most cases, these documents will have a legend or reference information that will explain what each zoning type in the area will allow.

These documents (with the zoning laws) also provide further information regarding standards and requirements that must be adhered to such as the minimum lot size and width, building coverage, height restrictions and dimension of setbacks.

So, if you own property in the ‘zone’ or are planning to make any changes, be sure to not omit this important step of checking the zoning laws as it will save you a lot of time, energy and frustration.