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Negotiating the price of your new house

Experienced realtors know almost everything there is to know about a property, before they walk into the place. The only thing left for them to ascertain is the interior condition of the property. Most home owners or aspiring home owners do not know all the factors that will go towards valuing a house and property. This is why they end up paying more than they should.To be able to negotiate and bring down the price, here are a few things they need to know.Do some research and understand the pricing structure for houses. Is the house you are looking priced at current market rates or is it higher? If it is higher, what makes it so special? These are some of the initial questions you should ask yourself and evaluate before you go to the property.Next, do some digging around the area. How much are other houses selling at? Are there a lot of houses for sale? If so why?The first question will give you a number you can compare your prospective purchase with. The others will help you gauge theclimate in the neighborhood. If no one wants to sell, it generally means that they are all happy with the area and are quite content to stay there. If everybody is selling, then you should think twice.You should also dig around to see how long the house has been on the market. If it has been there for a long time, then there is either something wrong with it or the owner is asking too much for it. When you do finally go there, don’t show the owner that you like the house very much. This will affect your bargaining power. You should also not get emotionally attached to the place, because you might end up saying yes to a price that you cannot afford.So keep a steady head and always look back to the data you gathered to help you negotiate and you can get the best price for that new home.