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Understanding the mezzanine floor

In architecture, a mezzanine floor indicates an intermediate floor between the main constructed floors of a building. While in the situation of a home or in commercial or industrial ventures, these constructions are more or less permanent, there are situations in which one should be able to assemble and dismantle these structures in a short period of time.

In most cases, these mezzanines are used as storage space to take advantage of unused overhead air spaces. However, that is not the only purpose involved in building a floor like this. Another unique thing about these floors is that they normally share the same ceiling as the first floor but it is not uncommon to find mezzanine floors constructed in the upper floors.

While building codes are in place to ensure that even multilevel decks are built keeping in mind the safety of its users, there are professional firms that have created methods by which one can build a floor or several floors and dismantle for relocation or for future expansion.

All in all, this is possible because of the steel that has properties of extremely high tensile strength that not only makes these constructions economical to purchase but also easy to setup in little or no time.

And thus, this is what the mezzanine floor system is all about.