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What A Cluttered Home Means to Buyers

The excesses of capitalism has left its mark on a number of us. In buying so many things that we don’t need, we end up with way too much stuff.

Yes, our desire to accumulate goods to the point where shopping has become a sport and buying stuff daily has become a ritual but this also means is that you have a house cluttered with stuff that you really don’t need.

From the buyer’s point of view, this translates into a home that is less than desirable for a number of reasons.

Firstly, most homes that have clutter tend to look smaller, darker and are smellier compared to others that aren’t cluttered. All this combines to give them the impression that the home is in decaying, wearing out and is in need of repair.

Except for those buyers who are looking for a decent resale value clutter might be good but for those who are looking for a starter home or even as their potential home for life, buying this home will look like a very bad idea.

The simple reason for this is that for the latter two types of buyers, the home will look less than ideal to consider as a purchase, considering how wide the gap might be between their idea of an ideal home and this one.

But that’s not all – another factor that goes against buying a cluttered home is that buyers feels that more money and time will have to be invested for maintenance and cleaning as a whole.

This is why it is a good idea to find a professional cleaner who can get rid of all the clutter before you put your home on the market for sale.